Monday, February 11, 2008

How to be treated like Japanese royalty...or not!

I'm so jealous of Yoshi and Tsuki! Look what they got! Bento boxes... I'm a japanese dog too yet I get no bento boxes. Pout... Go to their blog at and read how to do it for your lucky dog! Now excuse me while I go find a new home to lay my weary head down....


Anonymous said...

Don't feel bad, Scout. I bet your mom will make you a birthday bento, now that she knows about them. I mean, once a mom knows about bentos, she's kind of obligated, right? Like, our mom couldn't decide to stop making us bentos...


Could she?

Scout plus Max said...

Better hope not! You guys have it soooo good and don't even know it... Eating on tables and gifts galore.

A shiba can only dream of being treated like D-O-G someday. Have you seen the saki seat? I have asked for one for my birthday!